Cloud Computing Data Security

Cloud computing refers to the practice of transitioning computer services such as computation or data storage to multiple redundant offsite locations available on the Internet, which allows application software to be operated using internet-enabled devices.
Cloud Storage utilization impact resulting from the development of cloud computing is increasingly being utilized in the world. All States also have started to utilize cloud computing technology. This is supported by a growing network of internet the pervasive and increasingly cheap, as the community can enjoy this facility.

Cloud computing poses privacy concerns because the service provider can access the data that is on the cloud at any time. It could accidentally or deliberately alter or even delete information. Many cloud providers can share information with third parties if necessary for purposes of law and order even without a warrant. That is permitted in their privacy policies which users have to agree to before they start using cloud services. Solutions to privacy include policy and legislation as well as end users' choices for how data is stored. Users can encrypt data that is processed or stored within the cloud to prevent unauthorized access.

According to the Cloud Security Alliance, the top three threats in the cloud are "Insecure Interfaces and API's", "Data Loss & Leakage", and "Hardware Failure" which accounted for 29%, 25% and 10% of all cloud security outages respectively — together these form shared technology vulnerabilities. In a cloud provider platform being shared by different users there may be a possibility that information belonging to different customers resides on same data server. Therefore, Information leakage may arise by mistake when information for one customer is given to other. Additionally, Eugene Schultz, chief technology officer at Emagined Security, said that hackers are spending substantial time and effort looking for ways to penetrate the cloud. "There are some real Achilles' heels in the cloud infrastructure that are making big holes for the bad guys to get into". Because data from hundreds or thousands of companies can be stored on large cloud servers, hackers can theoretically gain control of huge stores of information through a single attack — a process he called "hyperjacking".
Cloud Storage provides ample storage media, here you can use it to store a wide range of purposes such as documents, presentations, photos, or videos. Not only from the hardware used, we can freely access the data in the cloud storage through other devices because applications now cloud has already spread in various operating systems of windows, linux, Cisco ios, and mobile. But do you know about data security in the cloud storage? below are a few key points lest our data that resides in the cloud storage secure & assured.

Data Protection
When we've decided for adoption or migration of data to the Cloud, that the note is how Cloud services providers provide protection against our data. By what method they do protectionism so that we are sure your data is safe, in addition to the data storage location is also an important consideration where this has to do with the Data Center. Certain data center they make certified/teraudit, for example, the location of the earthquake free, standard electrical resources 3 tier etc.
Security Control
After our data really protected, next is how the security of access to the data we (role), how the procedure so that only those who are entitled to access our data. Here, including the access of workers/employees at towards our data service providers.

Standards that apply to providers of Cloud Computing Services, such as for data security using ISO 27001, for provision of the services wear ITIL, COBIT, Cloud Security Alliance, including international lawyers and Government Regulation. So if there are any violations would be easy in the completion
One of the properties of Cloud computing is the resource sharing, well how when there is another tenant there is cheating or leaked, what effects against our data there, it should be considered. Because physically, our data could be there in one of the same physical media.

Security Governance
This is more to policy governance of service providers or us as a user of the services, should be spelled out and his governance paka what must be defined here.
The issue again warm is any outside electronic service provider must have data center, this is one government regulation related rules the data center. Same with us when you want to move the data to the Cloud, make sure that the data we have, because every country has its own way of doing and data and its own data center.

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