Go-JEK startup for ease of transportation

This is one of the Indonesia applications startup quickly. Go-JEK-a social enterprise is leading the industrial revolution transportation-taxi. Go-JEK partnered with the riders experienced motorcycle taxis in Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya and Bali & became the main solutions in the delivery of the goods, the message between the food, shopping and travel in the middle of a traffic jam.

Four cities that have already accessed Gojek is Jabodetabek, Bali, Bandung, Surabaya. Nadiem still secretive about where else the city expansion and how the target rider who want the induction until the end of the year. According to Nadiem, there are currently 200 carpenters who apply to be driver in Gojek.

"Obviously our target recruiting riders with the appropriate proportion to meet the needs that exist in the market," he explained without naming the exact figures.

Ease Of Application Services

As we know, to all consumers who are very necessary is an appropriate and transparent service. With the ease of booking and the service satisfactory.
In the presence of congestion in big cities such as Jakarta and other major cities, inspiring Nadiem Makarim to make startup applications GO-JEK. The taxi is a two-wheeled motor vehicle is indeed a very effective transport for mobility in the congestion of the city.
Community feel be facilitated by the presence of the service Go-Jek. Passenger transportation that relies on motorcycles that use applications in smartphones to capture customers. Live click, carpenters with green helmets and uniforms will go directly to the customers services between them.

Co-founder at once Indonesia Makarim Nadiem Gojek CEO States, since its launch in January 2015, the number of riders that are in the Gojek always increase. He said, up to now, the number of riders in Gojek has reached 10,000 people.

"We are proud because we become the start-up with the growth rate of Indonesia-made number one in Indonesia. Seen from the number of downloads of 500,000 more. Riders there are 10,000 spread over four cities Indonesia, "said Nadiem in press conference Gojek Street Safety, Friday (30/6/2015).

Ojek stub Nadiem-taxi is known as a modern and professional. This is due to his taxi had been equipped with GPS features. This GPS features with the position of taxi can be directly monitored through a smartphone. The modern concept of Go-Jek is also visible from the way of payment with creditcard (My Wallet).

In addition to the modern side, Go-Jek Indonesia also not forgetting the security factor is his priority. This Go-Jek security can be seen from the driver's ojek experienced and have permission drove. The driver Go-Jek also comes in the form of official uniform jackets and helmets that display corporate identity Go-Jek.

With this you don't have to worry about trapped and deceived, because you yourself can recognize the driver come pick you up previously also disclosed his identity when you order a Go-Jek. With motor and gear that ensures the security of traffic, sure Go-Jek wants the facilities and the services provided can satisfy the consumer.

Types Of Service

The main service Go-Jek course is available to take passengers to the destination. However, in addition to dropping off passengers, Go-Jek also serves some of the services, namely freight shuttle service (instant courier) service and food, shopping, booking tickets, etc (shopping service). The question of the tariff, no need to worry. In the application Go-Jek, the customers can find out the rates to be paid shortly before ordering the service between it. With all the practicality of it, Go-Jek instantly got the attention of the community.

Service-specific shopping, Go-Will only serve under spending of Rp 1 million. To find out rates and bases Go-Jek nearest your message, you will be able to find out by accessing the website Go-Jek (www.Go-Jek.com)

To order the G0-Jek, one need only call the hotline Go-Jek. After that you will be notified of the rates to be paid. If you agree, then the taxi will go to your location. However, now the message Go-Jek will be increasingly easy because bookings now already can be done through the application of Google's Go-Jek Play or Play the Store officially launched early January 2015 yesterday.

To activate the application after downloading, you must do the registration email and phone number. After that you can already start ordering Go-Jek. Applications Go-Jek itself since its launch has now been downloaded 15,000 times

Does not stop with the public serving customers, Go-Jek Indonesia now also enlarge its business network by cooperating with several companies. And to date, there are already around 40 companies which started their collaboration with Go-Jek.

The cooperation with this company is done with a purpose so that financial flows Go-Jek stay awake because with it Go-Jek could earn income from its loyal customers on every day. The current go-Jek indeed each serving the area of Jabodetabek, but going forward, Go-Jek through Nadiem hopes to cater to other major cities in Indonesia.

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